We evaluate siloed patient information from multiple, diverse sources to understand an individual’s health care gaps. We review and update medication lists and understand recent events such as hospitalizations.
Evaluate and address health gaps
with us. Get help with labs, meds,
referrals and social services as well.
We evaluate siloed patient information from multiple, diverse sources to make better care delivery happen.
Our goal is to always complement your services. In order to take better care of patients, we believe in understanding the whole picture.
Our team combines data science + care. We can augment your team's ability to get a comprehensive view and understanding of a patient's health history and work alongside or with your existing clinical team to augment preventive care, at-home lab testing (both mail order and in home phlebotomy) capabilities.
We've structured our team to evaluate metrics and built pathways to address care gaps through our team coordination. For example, we can bring tailored offerings such as at-home lab testing and low-cost delivery of meds for patients based on their needs.
You can consider us your auxillary preventive health team, data anlytics or population team, or extra clinical help to augment closing care gaps.
We've structured our tools to maintain regulatory integrity. Beyond HIPAA-compliance, we carry high practice standards with robust certifications. As well, we do not monetize or share data with unknown entities. That is not our business model. We honor privacy.
We integrate seamlessly with multiple workflows, taking only 1-4 weeks of ramp up time after contract signature (Average is 10 days).
For the clinical care side, we have licensed clinicial staff who can augment your team's preventive health capabilities.
For information sharing and analytics integrations, we have API or dashboards we can share, depending on your team's technical readiness. Our hope is to get rid of how our respective clinical teams require fax machines to communicate with each other ;) Our hope is to integrate seamlessly with your existing clinical workflows.
Or email us at hello@pluto.health